Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast
We meet for breakfast and man talk the second Saturday of each month, at the Eat n' Park on University Boulevard in Moon Township. See Dave Hays with questions.
We meet for breakfast and man talk the second Saturday of each month, at the Eat n' Park on University Boulevard in Moon Township. See Dave Hays with questions.
Enjoy coffee and women's fellowship with Karen Plakosh. The second Saturday of each month at her house, at 9:00 am.
We meet every other Tuesday, 10:00 am to 11:30 am at Linda Crawford's house. Please join us for our next study!
Calling all men! Our next Men's Ministry is meeting on Friday, June 23. We will will review the scriptures and bond as Christian men. Feel free to bring a snack and your favorite drink. Eric Carlini's house. See you then! We meet the fourth Friday of each month at 6:30 pm.